Zanna St Quinton Therapy

Psychotherapy, Online and in Person, in Wallingford, Oxfordshire

Practical, Positive and Solution-focused Therapy

Offering a confidential space to explore the changes that you would like to make in your life

Psychotherapy with Zanna St Quinton, Online or in Person in Wallingford. Easily accessible from Reading, Oxford and the wider Oxfordshire area.

What issues can I help with?

Today’s world can be fast paced and put enormous strain on our emotional wellbeing. I am here to help when things feel challenging, overwhelming, you feel the need to make a change or perhaps just feel a little 'stuck'. People come to me for help with a range of issues. Here are a few of the more common difficulties that I specialise in:

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What To Expect

I aim to provide a calm, confidential and non-judgemental space from which you can explore your thoughts, feelings and behaviours, and any changes you wish to make. I will really listen to you and the reasons why you have sought support at this time. We will define clear and realistic goals for us to work towards together, at a pace that is right for you.

We will draw on your own innate skills and resources, and my aim is to make you feel empowered to make changes from the first session.

Where necessary I will give you the tools and knowledge you need to proactively make the changes you want to see in your life, as well as nurturing and maintaining your mental and emotional wellbeing for the future.

How I Work

All the techniques used are evidenced based and work with the body and mind’s natural resources and processes. It is a holistic approach, which incorporates elements of Behavioural, Interpersonal and Cognitive therapies.

As humans we have essential emotional needs which need to be met in balance for us to flourish. When these needs are out of balance we can suffer a range of physical and emotional symptoms. The most common being stress, anxiety, depression, anger. 

I will provide you with the time and space to help you discover which of your needs are not being well met and why. I will work with you to identify the skills and resources, which you may already possess, that will enable you to better meet your needs and to find the balance you need to thrive.

The highly effective approach that I take is known as The Human Givens approach, and you can read more about it here -

What are our Emotional Needs?

  • Security - Safe territory and an environment which allows us to develop fully
  • Status - A sense of status within social groupings
  • Privacy - Opportunity to reflect and consolidate experience
  • Control - Having volition to make responsible choices
  • Community - Feeling part of a wider community
  • Attention - To give and receive it
  • Intimacy - To know that at least one other person accepts us totally for who we are “warts ’n’ all”
  • Meaning & Purpose - Which come from being stretched in what we do and think
  • Achievement & Competence

About Me

I worked for 10+ years as an Insurance Broker, before becoming a full time mum, as well as being a Listening Volunteer at The Listening Place Charity, which offers face to face support to people who feel that life is no longer worth living.

I have obtained my Diploma in Psychotherapy (HG Dip P) from the Human Givens Institute which is accredited by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care (PSA). I am fully Insured, hold up-to date DBS clearance and I am registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office.

I am passionate about the Human Givens approach and its ability to provide a practical, simple framework, from which everyone who is facing difficult times, can begin to map out a way forwards.

My location

Face to face sessions take place at my office in central Wallingford, OX10. I am easily accessible from Reading, Oxford and the wider Oxfordshire area.

Please contact me if you have any questions or to book an appointment.


Contact me today for a FREE initial 15 minute telephone consultation.

Therapy for individuals -

60 minute sessions - £85 per session

90 minute sessions - £125 per session

Therapy for Couples:

60 minute sessions - £100 per session

90 minute sessions - £150 per session

Sessions are available in person or online, via zoom, on weekdays between 9:30am and 3pm.


I accept payment in cash, by card or by bank transfer. Payment can be made at the session or within 2 days after.

Cancellation Policy:

Note that if you want to cancel an appointment I require 24 hours’ notice; otherwise you will still need to pay for any sessions missed.

How Many Sessions:

Human Givens Therapy is short-term and most people see significant progress in 4-6 sessions. Some people may only require one or two sessions, while others with more complex difficulties may require more.

We will agree together at the end of each session, if and when we will have our next session. It could be a week; it could be a month. My intention is always to work with you to achieve the outcomes you want in as short a time-frame as possible and then ensure you have the tools and knowledge needed to proactively nurture and maintain your mental emotional wellbeing in the future.

Get in touch

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how psychotherapy works, or to arrange an initial call.

I offer a free 15 minute consultation call which enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to therapy, whether it could be helpful for you and whether I am the right therapist to help.

Please use the form opposite or email me at

“The care and thoughtfulness Zanna showed to me during our sessions together was touching. She instantly made me feel at ease and sat comfortably with me whilst I talked about things that were difficult for me. She gave me tools to help me navigate the weeks ahead and her comforting and sensible words have stayed with me”

Annabel, London

“I have experienced a profound difference since seeing Zanna. The therapy sessions guided me through traumatic events in my relationship, removing the initial pain and anger and allowing me to look at the events in a more objective way. Zanna immediately put me at ease. She is a great listener, and her recommendation of the appropriate techniques or teachings were really considered. Her relaxation therapy was very powerful.”

Marie, London

“ Zanna is a calming influence and great source of help to me in terms of recent anxiety and life problems. A great listener and the ability to offer valuable advice and strategies to cope and help move forwards in a positive direction.”

Ed, Cornwall

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